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Documentation - Limelight XE™ - Reference - Objects
HID® VertX® Network Controller
HID® VertX® Network Controller
ParentParent object that owns this object
GUIDObject's Globally Unique Identifier
OwnerModule or driver that owns this object
Driver (VertX / EDGE)
VersionMinimum software version that supports this object


This is the main access to an HID® VertX® network controller and its properties.  This object allows an administrator to configure inbound message IDs for events as well as provide details on the status of the controller and it's MAC address (which is encoded into the last 12 digits of the GUID).  VertX® controllers must have the server's IP address set in the CommHosts file in the /mnt/flash/config/ directory.  This requires root access privileges on the controller and is set via SSH. Once the IP address of the Limelight XE™ server is set, the controller must be reset - once completed the VertX® controller will attempt to connect to the Limelight XE HID driver on the listen port.  For more information on configuring HID® VertX® controllers, please contact HID Global customer service

Child ObjectsObjects owned by this object
PropertiesThis object's unique properties or settings
Name Type Level R/W Description
ACPowerFailureEventCode Integer Admin R/W Sets the incoming code for AC power failure events sent by the controller (default is 800)
BatteryFailureEventCode Integer Admin R/W Sets the incoming code for battery failure events sent by the controller (default is 801)
Connected Boolean Admin R/O Indicates if the controller is connected and active
ConnectionPort Word Admin R/W Driver side port for TCP connection to VertX controller
ControllerAddr String Admin R/W Driver side IP address for connection to VertX controller
ControllerID Integer Admin R/O VertX® controller's ID (there can be more than one at a single IP address)
Description String Admin R/W Description of the controller (can be altered to fit use case - default is product name)
DeviceModel String Admin R/O VertX® controller model number (supplied by controller)
DeviceType String Admin R/O VertX® controller device type (supplied by controller)
FirmwareRevision String Admin R/O VertX® controller's firmware revision (supplied by controller)
ForcedEntryEventCode Integer Admin R/W Sets the incoming code for forced entry events (default is 900)
HeartbeatTimeout Integer Admin R/W Timeout in seconds to detect missing controllers (failed, in reset, disconnected, etc.)
HeldEntryEventCode Integer Admin R/W Sets the incoming code for door held events (default is 901)
Location String Admin R/W Optional location string of controller (useful for maintenance)
MACAddress String Admin R/O VertX® controller's MAC address which is unique to each device
RemoteAddr String Admin R/O The IP address of the EDGE controller
RemotePort Word Admin R/O The IP port of the EDGE controller
TamperEventCode Integer Admin R/W Sets the incoming code for tamper events (default is 802)
Task Enumeration Admin R/W Initiates various tasks based on selection... starts when updated, automatically returns to NONE
Title String Admin R/W Title used for display in the console (defaults to device name and MAC address)


Strasis Systems, LLC is a provider of software for command and control centers, data visualization, security and systems integration.