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Documentation - Limelight XE™ - Reference - Objects
Limelight XE Server
Limelight XE Server
ParentParent object that owns this object
GUIDObject's Globally Unique Identifier
OwnerModule or driver that owns this object
ACE Service
VersionMinimum software version that supports this object


This is the root object in the hierarchy of an limelight XE™ server. When connected, it will display the IP address to the left of the title. I contains several child objects - for more detail, see the links below.  Other components installed by drivers and plug-ins may also appear as children of the this object.

Child ObjectsObjects owned by this object
PropertiesThis object's unique properties or settings
Name Type Level R/W Description
HostName String (all) R/O Name of the current server host (or IP address)
ServerName String (all) R/O Name of this server (set is System Management)
ServerVersion String (all) R/O ACE service version number
ServerGUID String (all) R/O Assigned server GUID (from license)
IPAddress String (all) R/O IP address of server in dot notation
LicenseState String (all) R/O State of the currently installed license
ClientAccessPort Word (all) R/O Thick client IP port number
InterserverBroadcastPort Word (all) R/O ACE engine inter-server IP port number
HTTPAccessPort Word (all) R/O HTTP IP port number
HTTPSAccessPort Word (all) R/O HTTPS IP port number
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Strasis Systems, LLC is a provider of software for command and control centers, data visualization, security and systems integration.