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Documentation - Limelight Interface Architect
Limelight Interface Architect
Limelight Interface Architect Component Overview

Component Overview

Limelight Interface Architect provides a library of components that can be dragged onto the display grid to form user interfaces or display walls.  These are found in the Component Palette in the upper right corner of the Limelight Interface Architect's interface.  Each component has numerous properties that can be adjust to change the look and function of the component.  Some components are display only or indicator types, others are containers that hold multiple components and others allow user interaction.  Below is a summary of the components available and more components are added on a regular basis - also new properties are added within existing components to expand their function.  Check back in this section to see what components are new have been added based on the release revision.

Click on the name below for details regarding that component

Limelight Interface Architect Components (Release 2.2)

Alarm Management
Alarm Manager Provides a user interface to all incoming alarms from the master server
Procedure Manager View the current procedure list from the selected alarm
Procedure Viewer View the active procedure
Alarm Icon Displays an alarm icon based on the alarm state (can be tied to any server property)
Digital Clock Digital clock that can be tied to various sources
Basic Container Used to create custom group boxes that contain other components
Page Container Used to create groups of controls that switch views depending on the state of the container
Image Selector Used to display various types of images that switch depending on the state of the selector
Flight Controls
Heading Indicator Displays a heading in degrees using the standardized indication for aircraft
Artificial Horizon Aircraft attitude indication with horizon line (pitch) and turn (roll) indication
Dial Gauge Versatile round dial gauge with various pointers and range indicators
Bar Graph Vertical or horizonal fully configurable bar indicator
Digial Indictor Digital display with built-in range indicators and warning icons
Chart Indicator Versatile graph indicator with moving chart
Tiled Map Base Base map that utilizes industry standard map tiles and servers
Tiled Map Layer Map layer that can display additional map information by overlaying additional data tiles
Object Tracking Layer Highly versatile overlay for tracking objects complete with classifiers
Multi-Touch Controls
Touch Ring Ring like control for adjusting values via touch and mouse
Scroll Bar Vertical or horizontal scrolling control for adjusting values
Video Display Base display component for many different types of video sources
Video Text Overlay Video overlay that provides text information
Targeting HUD Overlay Simple cross-hair target for overlaying video to indicate center of image
Video Object Tracking Overlay Video overlay that uses the same analytics as the video driver to track moving objects


Strasis Systems, LLC is a provider of software for command and control centers, data visualization, security and systems integration.