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Sensata | Xirgo® Vehicle and Asset Tracker Support

Sensata | Xirgo® is a premier supplier of robust vehicle tracking hardware and Strasis Systems now provides support for the XT2400, XT2500, XT4500 and XT4700 models.  The XT2400 series is designed for passenger and light duty vehicles with OBD2 ports and is the most versatile diagnostic and monitoring device available for communicating vital vehicle information and driver behavior.  The XT2500 series is similar to the XT2400 but also provides support for heavy-duty trucks which utilize 9-pin/6-pin Deutsch connectors (RP1226 for newer trucks) via a cable harness/adapter. The XT4500 series is designed for low power or remote assets - it is a self-contained tracking device with integrated GPS engine, cellular and PCS antennas, accelerometer, motion detector and 950 mAh internal rechargeable battery.  The XT4700 is similar to the XT4500 but is designed for extreme environments and contains a rechargeable 5Ah battery.

The driver functionality fully integrates the location and vehicle information into the Limelight XE™ object tracking, logging and alarm subsystems. Depending on the model hardware, many vehicle parameters can be monitored and recorded continuously providing a complete history of trips and associated vehicle data.

To learn more about our asset and vehicle tracking, please visit our asset and vehicle tracking market page.  To inquire about purchasing Sensata | Xirgo® trackers, please contact us via our contact page.

Sensata | Xirgo®:


Strasis Systems, LLC is a provider of software for command and control centers, data visualization, security and systems integration.