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Properties 80+
Colors Unlimited
Max Ranges 8
Setpoints High / Low
Pointers 8 Options

Example Dial Indicators

Create Unlimited Dial Gauges

Create amazing dial type indicators with set points, range markers, color bars and more from a single control type.  The dial gauge control has over 80 properties that can be customized to fit your standards or style including ISA101 compliant colors.  Designers have complete control over limits, set points, warning indicators, pointers, ranges and much more.  The illustration above is just a small sample of the types of indicators that can be created from the standard dial control.  Once controls are edited they can be saved as custom controls to be used repetitively in your design reducing time and effort for the project.

Hardware Accelerated Vector Controls

All indicators, buttons and visual components utilize video hardware acceleration and anti-aliasing to provide amazingly smooth images.  This combined with various animation mechanisms provides the appearance of true analog controls.

Data Sources

Each control can be tied to a specific Limelight XE™ server and value source. The source can be the output from any hardware component such as a Modbus analog sensor or PLC.  It can also be tied to a local or global variable updated by scripts providing unlimited flexibility in exposing the required information to operators.


Strasis Systems, LLC is a provider of software for command and control centers, data visualization, security and systems integration.