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Documentation - REST API
Reference Information
Limelight XE REST API Global Result Codes


When a REST call is made to the server, the header provides consistent data regarding the operation.  Part of the data returned is the result code which is defined in the table below.

Global Result Codes for REST Operations

GRC Description
0 Operation completed
1 Operation failed - bad GUID
2 Operation failed - user not authorized
3 Operation failed - unknown / incorrect object (GUID doesn't represent anything)
4 Operation failed - unknown / incorrect action
5 Operation failed - invalid value provided
6 Operation failed - not supported
7 Operation failed - file not found
8 Operation failed - remote server not found
9 Operation failed - local variable failed to update
10 Operation failed - duplicate name
11 Operation failed - exceeded license limit
12 - 19 (Reserved)
20 Operation failed - account already exists
21 Operation failed - account update failed
22 Operation failed - maximum number of accounts exceeded
23 - 24 (Reserved)
25 operation failed - maximum number of tokens exceeded
26 - 29 (Reserved)
30 Operation failed - password too short
31 Operation failed - password not strong enough
32 - 34 (Reserved)
35 Operation failed - database manager not installed
36 Operation failed - invalid database
37 Operation failed - table name (ID) is invalid (blank or invalid characters)
38 Operation failed - table does not exist
39 Operation failed - error in database table
40 - 44 (Reserved)
45 Operation failed - target already running
46 Operation failed - target already stopped
47 Operation failed - target already paused
48 - 49 (Reserved)
50 Operation complete - database table exists and valid
51 - 98 (Reserved)
99 Operation in process
100 Operation was invalid and ignored


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Strasis Systems, LLC is a provider of software for command and control centers, data visualization, security and systems integration.